Magic in Mississippi

Last month on November 16, my dear friend Emily Penn got married!Screen Shot 2013-12-17 at 2.52.09 PM

Emily and I were roommates in Washington DC and have remained close friends ever since. We were living together when I met/dated/got engaged to Michael and we were also living together when she met and started dating Kern. We were all so thrilled when they got engaged that Michael and I decided that going to the wedding was the perfect reason to do our first international trip with Culhane!

We took off on a Wednesday night and were lucky to have reserved a bassinet seat with United. They gave us a “bassinet” (aka a big shoe-box) that we put on the floor and after feeding a little at takeoff, Culhane slept for the next 7 1/2 hours! We flew through Houston and he was up for the last hour or two of the flight but was well-rested and happy – no tears! We had a quick connection and then arrived in Jackson, Mississippi Thursday morning only to be picked up at the airport by the bride & groom! What a luxury! Then we went to Emily’s house for breakfast, lunch and some good hang out time before getting checked into our hotel. IMG_3529We enjoyed more quality time with the bride and her family for a fabulous southern dinner before settling in for the night. Since we were dealing with a 4 hour time difference we just kept Culhane up for an extra feed. He woke up the next morning at 6am which was a little early, but much better than 4am which I had been worried about. IMG_3542

Michael babysat Culhane Friday afternoon while I joined the girls for Emily’s bridal brunch. I don’t have pictures from it (because I was taking them all on her camera!) but it was so lovely and so Emily. It was also a great time to reunite with old friends and meet some new ones!

Friday night, Michael and I left Culhane with non-family babysitters for the first time ever to attend the Rehearsal Dinner. One of Emily’s girlfriends also has a little guy, so she let us bring Culhane over to her house and share her babysitters for both Friday and Saturday nights — so sweet! I felt pretty good about everything when we dropped him off, but a few hours into the night I made the mistake of calling to check in. The babysitter said that, although he was asleep then, Colt had been fussing and crying a lot. She almost sounded mad at me and I just burst into tears, wanting to hold and comfort my little love. Emily’s sweet friends offered to drive us back by the house to check on him but I knew in my head that he was OK and everything was fine, and we had made the trip so that I could be there for Emily, so we decided to just do our best to enjoy the rest of the night and I’m so glad we did. It was kind of a tough night for me but I also think it was good to just get it over with. Aside from that little hiccup, the night was amazing and was a beautiful tribute to Kern and Emily. So many people gave beautiful speeches testifying to their strong character as individuals and their love as a couple. Screen Shot 2013-12-17 at 2.55.02 PMScreen Shot 2013-12-17 at 2.55.57 PM

On Saturday afternoon, Michael babysat again as I spent the afternoon with Emily and the girls getting ready for the big night. She was seriously the calmest and most beautiful bride of all time. Michael left Culhane with a babysitter again and then joined me for the ceremony which was so lovely – only to be followed by a perfect, party reception!smileScreen Shot 2013-12-17 at 10.36.39 PMScreen Shot 2013-12-17 at 10.38.15 PMScreen Shot 2013-12-17 at 10.38.59 PMScreen Shot 2013-12-17 at 10.40.15 PMScreen Shot 2013-12-05 at 8.42.29 PMScreen Shot 2013-12-17 at 10.52.01 PMScreen Shot 2013-12-17 at 10.50.47 PMexit

The trickiest part was, because I had to leave Culhane with Michael or babysitters a lot and obviously I couldn’t pack any milk (and Culhane refuses formula), I was worried about being able to produce enough to feed him and pump enough bottles, but it actually ended up being like the loaves & fishes – God provided and there was extra left over that we tossed before heading back.

We headed to the airport on Sunday for a long trip home. We flew through Chicago which was experiencing tons of delays due to weather. We were lucky that our flight was only delayed a few hours and then we hit the jackpot with an empty seat on our row so we left Culhane in his carseat where he slept like a total champ for almost the entire flight.


Emily & Kern – thank you so much for including us in your special weekend and congratulations to you both!!  XO

** All Rehearsal Dinner & Wedding photo credit to Sully Clemmer! **

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